The impacts of climate change are increasingly evident globally; temperature rise, water shortening, and biodiversity loss on a large scale. Nature-based solutions have been indicated by various global institutions (EU, UN, etc.) as one of the solutions for climate change.
The solutions for climate change with nature-based solutions lie mainly in; improving sustainable land use systems like forestry and agriculture and renewable bio-based products with very low environmental impacts and the capability of storing carbon over a long time.
BioGrowth Development is active in those markets for sustainable land use systems like forestry and agriculture, and connected value chains like; bio-based and the carbon market. Within these markets, we have several active customers in various segments such as; governments, companies, and NGOs.
Different services
- Tree, crop, feedstock and product yield forecasting of farm, forest and agroforestry plantations.
- Mapping of carbon sequestration in plantations, biomass and derived biomaterials.
- Biomass and bioproduct supply chain analysis, including accurate mass, energy and cost balances in upstream, midstream and downstream segments.
- Biological risk analysis and techno-economical feasibility analysis of biobased supply chain projects.
- Advise on circular end-of-life options for biomass residues.
- Global scale or local scale logistical optimization of biobased supply chains.
- Drawing roadmaps for carbon credits generation at landscape or biomaterials levels.
- Preparing for an audit in view of certification of land-use systems, biobased products or chains of custody.
- Calculate capex and opex of investment cases in land-use and biobased projects.
- Location screening for new to build plants based on feedstock availability.
Related industries
- Forestry-wood chain.
- Agro-sector.
- Land-management companies.
- Solid biomass industries.
- Biorefineries and biofuel companies.
- Waste management companies.
- Traders of soft commodities.
- Branch organizations.
- Integral approach by connecting land-use systems and biobased value chains.
- Easily scalable to large surfaces.
- Locally and globally applicable approach.
Different services
- Plant growth and biomass quantification in farm, forest and agroforestry plantations.
- Mapping biomass and carbon distribution in plants, ecosystems and landscapes, including accurate mass, energy and cost balances.
- Biological risk analysis and techno-economical feasibility analysis of land-use projects.
- Benchmarking of conventional land-use systems with regenerative land-use systems.
- Drawing roadmaps for carbon credits generation at landscape levels.
- Location screening for new plantations and land regeneration projects.
- Benchmark and change analysis of ecosystem services such as shading, wind shelter, erosion control and water, carbon or nutrient storage capacity of soils and plant systems.
- Preparing for an audit in view of certification of land-use systems, biobased products or chains of custody.
- Advice on valorization in biobased materials sourced from sustainable land-use.
Related industries
- Forestry-wood chain.
- Agro-sector.
- Land-management companies.
- Solid biomass industries.
- Biorefineries and biofuel companies.
- Waste management companies.
- Traders of soft commodities.
- Branch organizations.
- Integral approach by connecting land-use systems and biobased value chains.
- Easily scalable to large surfaces.
- Locally and globally applicable approach.
Different services
- Biological risk analysis and techno-economical feasibility analysis of land-use projects.
- Mapping and analyzing plant growth, biomass and carbon distribution in plants, ecosystems and land management units, including accurate mass, energy and cost balances.
- Drawing roadmaps for carbon credits generation.
- Preparing for an audit in view of certification of land-use systems, biobased products or chains of custody.
- Location screening for new plantation and landscape regeneration projects.
- Advice on optimal use of biobased materials from sustainable land use.
- Benchmark and change analysis of ecosystem services such as shading, wind shelter, erosion control and water, carbon or nutrient storage capacity of soils and plant systems.
- Selection of circular end-of-life options for biomass residues.
- Global scale or local scale logistical optimization of biomass supply chains.
Related industries
- Forestry-wood chain.
- Agro-sector.
- Land-management companies.
- Solid biomass industries.
- Biorefineries and biofuel companies.
- Waste management companies.
- Traders of soft commodities.
- Branch organizations.
- Integral approach by connecting land-use systems and biobased value chains.
- Easily scalable to large surfaces.
- Locally and globally applicable approach.