oktober 25, 2022

Cover crops and carbon credits


On September 29th, the seminar “Las cubiertas vegetales en el olivar como instrumento de la nueva PAC” (“Vegetable roofs in olive groves as an instrument of the new CAP”) – organized by the Agrupación de Sanidad Vegetal “Centro de España”, the Wageningen University and the governments of Holland and Castilla La Mancha – was held at the Centro de Interpretación del Olivar (Toledo)

The aim of the seminar was discovering the benefits of using cover crops, their management and how to assess its long-term effects. BioGrowth Development collaborated by giving a talk on vegetable covers as a carbon sink method and opportunities derived from the sale of carbon credits (“Cubiertas vegetales como sumidero de carbono y oportunidades derivadas de la venta de derechos”), where Kristiaan Tetteroo analyzed the potential of olive groves as a tool to fix carbon in the soil and its relationship with carbon credits.

Learn more about the topic in the following slides, where you’ll find the most relevant information of the talk:

Are you a landlord interested in discovering your possibilities? Do you want to learn about carbon credits and how to obtain them? BioGrowth Development can help and guide you in all the parts of the process, from the profitability study and the achievement of your project’s verification through recognized international standards to the sale of the carbon credits obtained from your project!


Contact us, tell us a bit about your project and let’s work on it!


La superficie de cultivo se mantiene estable, con ligeras subidas de los herbáceos y leñosos. (2021). En Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Gobierno de España.

El olivar mediterráneo elimina más CO2 que el emitido por España en un año. (2022, 26 julio). Olimerca.

Gil-Ribes, J. A. & Márquez-García, F. (2019, 6 mayo). Sistemas de manejo de suelo en olivar: las cubiertas vegetalesInterempresas